

Na Drekeba and Roqoroqo: Traditional Baby Showers in Fiji
  • Manage No
    Country Fiji
    Author Simione Sevudredre, Principal Cultural Officer, Ministry of iTaukei Affairs
    Published Year 2022
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
    Attach File Preview (ENG)
Description The arrival of a newborn baby is cause for great joy, particularly for a newly wedded couple if it is their first child. In traditional Fijian society, when a married woman was expecting, her husband and his kin would plant uvi (yams), a root crop known as dalo (Colocasia esculenta), and stock pigs in pens. The matriarchs from both the man’s and woman’s sides would also begin weaving new mats in anticipation of the birth. In the past, marriage was a decision made carefully, based on kinship connections and traditional alliances, because the shared commonalities facilitated collaboration on both sides.

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