

  • Manage No DI00000251
    Country Republic of Korea
    Author Rasuljon Mirzaakhmedov Head, Margilan Crafts Development Center Sayidafzal Mallakhanov Head and Editor, Culture Department Saida Azimova Senior Expert and Translator, National Commission of Uzbekistan for UNESCO , SAYIDAFZAL MALLAKHANOV
    Published Year 2017
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
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Description Uzbek craftsmanship is one of the most significant parts of the creative cultural industry, contributing to sustainable economic and social development of society. Uzbek craftsmanship has not only historical and functional significance but also great artistic value. It has been attracting the attention of travelers and scholars for centuries. During the years of independence, since 1991, the handicrafts industry has undergone significant transformation. Today, it ranks high among the export-oriented creative industries of the national economy. Handicraft is an essential domain of intangible cultural heritage of humanity and plays key role in promoting creative economic development.

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