

Taumako Maritime Rituals
  • Manage No DI00000606
    Country Solomon Islands
    Author Simon Teave Salopuka, MD and Executive Director, Vaka Valo Association
    Published Year 2021
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
    Attach File Preview (ENG)
Description Taumako, one of the Duff Islands, is a Polynesian island within the Santa Cruz group in Temotu Province to the southeast of the Solomon Islands, in the southwestern Pacific. Taumakoans speak the Veakau-Taumako language, which comes from the Samoic branch of Polynesian languages. Taumakoans still practice ancient navigational techniques and are known for building a type of proa sailing canoe, the Tepuke, using local materials. They maintain traditional ways of living, relying heavily on subsistence farming and fishing.

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