

Bringing the Stories of Vietnam to the World
  • Manage No DI00001308
    Country Vietnam
    Author Ha, Hoang Minh Trang (English Interpreter and Translator, Cultura Fish), Vuong, Hoai Lam (Lead of Cultural Research, Cultura Fish), Luc, Pham Quynh Nhi (Project Coordinator, Cultura Fish)
    Published Year 2022
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
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Description Globalization, the age of information, and a prime era of technology where cultures and meanings collide—it is strange how we often find ourselves disorientated with it all, the local versus the global, the familiar versus the foreign. Just so, the narrative surrounding Vietnam has quite a “foreign” presence among the international audience, and even domestically to some degree. The first images people think of when it comes to Vietnam are perhaps the war, or maybe they’d focus on the cuisine and natural scenery thanks to the effort of tourism footage in more recent years. The image is either of the country’s trauma-bound identity or a paradise land of amazing landscapes. While not entirely wrong, those narratives don’t fully reflect the complexity of a Vietnam that was, is, and will be. Telling a diverse and complex Vietnamese story in an honest and caring manner is one of the goals of Cultura Fish; it’s a direct result of our very lived experiences of interacting with our peers from across the globe and within the country.
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