

Spells and Incantations
Description Spells and incantations are the ancient forms of ritualistic poetry accustomed since tribal development. They consist of few lines with firm words which endeavor to achieve their ends through the supernatural powers of words, sounds, and gestures. Spells and incantations are unique in a way that they are not used towards human but only towards natural phenomena. Spells and incantations are the ancient form of the literature that features the behavior to reach the goal with use of words, gestures and magic. Spells and incantation are classified into ordinary and special level. There is no restraint to the ordinary spells and incantation, and everybody can say and do it whatever time they wish. In reverse, only experienced person can do the special spells and incantations.
Manage No VI00000207 Running Time 0:35
Country Mongolia
ICH Domain Oral traditions and representations
Videos Photographer Year
Place File Size
Definition File Format
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Information source
National Center for Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture of Mongolia

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