

Jeinpaw Pyi Htaung (Bamboo Flute)
Description Pyi Htaung flute was Kachin traditional instrument. This flute has been used for about 1000 years ago. Bamboo is used to make the joint of the Jeinpaw Pyi Htaung. Bamboo joint that grows from hill-side cultivation is chopped and dried. It is perforated by using drill. There are a total of 8 perforated holes including 6 finger holes, two vent holes for enunciation. The flute with no reed is called flute and the flute with reed is called whirling flute. It has to be blown from air holes and the finger holes are made for opening and closing to produce traditional melody. Pyi Htaung flute has to be played together with oboe, drum, gong and cymbal. It is played for all kinds of Manao house-warming ceremony, grating party and honorable ceremony. The size of Instrument is below. -1 feet 7 inches in length -4 inches in Length tip bamboo joint from air hole -5.5 inches in Length air hole from finger hole -1 feet in Length of tip flute from vent hole -2.5 feet in gridth
Manage No VI00000354 Running Time 1:03
Country Myanmar
ICH Domain Performing Arts, Traditional craft skills
Videos Photographer Year 2014-08-11
Place Myit Kyi Nar Township, Kachin state File Size 146MB
Definition 1980x1080 File Format mp4
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