

Ngar Myoe Pyinzali TaungYoe Maun: Gyi (big gong)
Description Since the time of Shan Saw-bwas, TaungYoe nationals created and used this big gong. During the reign of Pway- Hla Sawbwa, some TaungYoe nationals were arrested for their action of protecting the gong from the motive of Sawbwa to confiscate it. It was casted with the craft of bronze-casting. The gong was made of alloy of gold, silver and copper weighing 6.5kg of each metal. That gong is collectively owned by two TaungYoe villages of Kyay Twin Gone village and Hsan Thee village. It's a national heritage of TaungYoe nationals and has been preserving for 114 years. That's been still protecting by two brothers in rotation for six months each. It's struck by a knobbed beater on the central dome carrying by two men on the shoulders hanging with a rope on a pole. -25 inches of gong in diameter -5 inches of central dome in diameter -4 inches of knobbed beater in diameter
Manage No VI00000584 Running Time 0:08
Country Myanmar
ICH Domain Performing Arts, Traditional craft skills
Videos Photographer Year 2014-07-04
Place Tal Bin Village, Kyar Gone, Pindaya Township, Shan state File Size 9.11MB
Definition 1280 X 720 File Format mp4
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