

"Wa" gon Ozi (long drum)
Description In the ancient time, the sound generated by a striking on the leather stretched on the rice pounding mortar fascinated the ancestors. The idea of Wa traditional long drum originated in it. Cattle leather is stretched on a head and the throat of it is carved with the decoration of convolutions. The chicken breast is coated with the red paint and the lower part is with the black paint. It's played by hands on the head. -2 feet and 10 inches in height of long drum -4 feet and one inches in the circumference of chicken breast -15 inches in diameter of leather surface -18 inches in the circumference of throat
Manage No VI00000685 Running Time 0:42
Country Myanmar
ICH Domain Performing Arts, Traditional craft skills
Videos Photographer Year 2014-07-20
Place Mai Maw Region, Shan state File Size 96.7MB
Definition 1920 X 1080 File Format mp4
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