

Pa lwei (small Flute)
Description The flute (pa lwei) is a wind instrument which consists of a hollow tubed played by blowing through a hole at one end. There are two kinds of Myanmar flutes: The "khin balwei" and the "kjo palwei". The khin balwei is commonly played. It has a ventage and a reed at the blowing end. The kjo balwei has no reed. Blowing the kjo balwei may be seen in the murals at Ananda and Mingalar Zedi in Bagan. Earlier flutes are wood or plastic. The ventage holes are made according to the diameter of the bamboo. Altogether 10 holes are perforated: seven finger holes, thumb- hole, the membrance hole and the "pinkelu" hole. The membrance hole is now not made because it tends to produce a shrill sound. In preparing the tube, the lowest hole is perforated at two- thirds of the way up the flute. Then the six holes are perforated at distances according to the diameter of the bamboo. The thumb- hole is perforated on the lower side of the flute at the point half- way between the upper sixth and seventh hole. The "pinleku: vent hole is perforated between the topmost finger hole and the tube end. The membrane hole lies between the vent hole and the seventh hole. The flute can be seen playing together with the shawm in pot- drum troupe, dobat troupe, classical music troupe, modern music troupe. The flute comes in two sizes: the big and small. The flute can cover the chromatic scale.
Manage No VI00000732 Running Time 1:34
Country Myanmar
ICH Domain Performing Arts, Traditional craft skills
Videos Photographer Year
Place File Size 116MB
Definition 1920 X 1080 File Format mp4
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