

Traditional technique of processing skin and hid
Description Mongols process the animal raw skin and hide (raw skin of cattle). Through long undergone observance and experiments, they were able to elaborate and develop the indigenous traditional technique to process the skin and hide to produce various leather crafts and products. The skin and hide are processed by salting, stripping off, tanning or smoking. For instance, the processed materials from sheep skin can be used to make a deel (traditional garment). The processed materials from hide can be used to produce necessities and equipments such as airag-skin, hide-flask or animal harnesses such as bridle, halter, lasso, tri-hobble, tethering-line, girth and strap of a saddle, and so on. Nowadays, the leather products and crafts made of animal skin and hide are considered as valuable asset in demand for tourist attractions.
Manage No VI00000861 Running Time 00:01:53
Country Mongolia
ICH Domain Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe
Videos Photographer Year
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Information source
National Center for Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture of Mongolia