

Kreung's Wedding
Description The Kreung wedding, the bride and the groom first meet through the occasional drinking pot rice wine ceremony with relatives in the village. It was an opportunity for the two of them to get to know each other before they decided to be a couple. In their tradition, when they agree to be together, the men always go to sleep at the daughter's house at night, but they do not dare to do anything foolish to break their tradition. If the father of the daughter finds a matchmaker to find out who the son is and why he came to sleep at his daughter's house, the father has to ask the matchmaker to make a deal with the men and follow traditional penalties, such as: forcing them to marry at once or get fine with gifts, namely: 1 buffalo, 1 pig, 1 chicken and a pot of rice wine. If the son and daughter acknowledge that they are in love, then the matchmaker begins to inform the son's parents. And if the son's parents are satisfied with the daughter as well, they will continue to let their son visit the girl’s house regularly. During that time, the men had to work at the daughter's house for a year, while the daughter also helped with the work too.
Manage No VI00000845 Running Time 04:17
Country Cambodia
ICH Domain Oral traditions and representations, Social practices, rituals, festive events
Videos Photographer Provincial Department of Fine and Arts of Ratanakiri province Year 2022
Place Ratanakiri province File Size 314 MB
Definition 1920x1080 File Format MP4
Copyright Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts Copyright

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