

Jeinpaw Maung Gyi (Big Gong)
Description Jeinpaw auspicious big gong is using to play for traditional ceremony of eating the first crop, housewarming ceremony, wedding ceremony, new year festival, fire balloon festival and funeral ceremony. It is created by the art of making items cast or wrought from brass. The striker hits a protuberance on the surface of the middle part of gong. Since it has to be played together two Manau big drums. -1 feet 7 inches in length -4.5 inches in Width of protuberance on the surface of face -7.5 inches in Length of protuberance on the surface from the side -3 inches in Thickness
Manage No VI00000361 Running Time 0:16
Country Myanmar
ICH Domain Performing Arts, Traditional craft skills
Videos Photographer Year 2014-08-11
Place Myit Kyi Nar Township, Kachin state File Size 38.6MB
Definition 1980x1080 File Format mp4
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