

Kerchang: Traditional Game in Danger of Extinction
Description Kerchang is a traditional game of the indigenous people of Malaysia and a cultural heritage facing extinction. As a form of cultural expression, it carries significance beyond being a mere game, playing an important part in marriage customs. The shape of kerchang and its string signify a woman and a man, respectively. In a wedding, the bride’s father gives a kerchang to the groom, who must earn his right to marriage by solving the game’s ten stages. The way a man unpuzzles a kerchang reflects his ability to take care of his family. Kerchang is a symbol of the symbiotic relationship between traditional indigenous culture and nature
Manage No VI00000179 Running Time 00:24:18
Country Malaysia
ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events
Videos Photographer Shaza Abdul Rahim Year 2019
Place Malaysia File Size N/A
Definition N/A File Format N/A
Copyright ICHCAP, Real Touch SDN Bhd Copyright

Information source
The Malaysia Arts Cultural Practitioners Association (MACPA)

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