

Folk Dances of Nepal_Ghatu Naach
Description Folk Dances of Nepal_Ghatu Naach Performer: Unknown Date of Recording: 1994 Caste: Arya-khas Collector: Ram Prasad Kadel Nepalese communities express their emotions through the rhythms of various folk dances. Folk dances, in fact, are an inseparable part of rural life. On the other hand, the religious influence can easily be observed in the songs and dances, which are often performed to please deities responsible for the well-being of humans and cattle, favorable climate, and good harvest. As the country has widely differing topographical features, so does it have vast variances in cultural aspects. Folk songs and dances depend on cultures, cas-tes, seasons, and geographical features. For example, a sherpa living in the Himalayan region sings and dances differently from a Tharu living in the Terai region. Similarly, songs and dances performed in the spring season express joyous emotions, whereas those performed in the winter season express sadness. This collection includes the most famous folk dances of the different indigenous communities of Nepal dwelling in various environments. These dances are a part of their daily life. This ghatu naach was danced in the village of Kabilas in the Chitwan district. Ghantu naach is performed by the Gurung communities of western Nepal. This dance is performed by young girls known as ghatusari during the Chandi Purnima festival. The dance is also a worshipping of Goddess Chandi, one of the forms of Goddess Durga. The male priest, known as the ghatuguru, first worships the goddess and starts songs. Then ghatusari start dancing with their eyes close and reach an unconscious level.
Manage No VI00000583 Running Time 08'33"
Country Nepal
ICH Domain Performing Arts, Social practices, rituals, festive events
Videos Photographer Ram Prasad Kadel Year 1994
Place Nepal File Size N/A
Definition N/A File Format N/A
Copyright Music Museum of Nepal (MMN), ICHCAP Copyright

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