Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright Manage No EE00001093 Country Uzbekistan ICH Domain Traditional craft skills Address Ferghana Valley, Khorezm, Samarkand, Navoi, Surkhandarya and Qashqadarya regionsYear of Designation 2011
Description | One of the most labor-intensive artistic crafts in Uzbekistan is carpet-making, the traditions of which go back to the ancient times. Cattle breeder has been rich for wool products and wool of sheep and camel used for carpet-making since olden time. Handmade carpet making is laborious work and it demands from the weaver great effort, taste and skill. In pre-mongolian period carpet items produced by Turkic tribes of Oghuz origin were especially popular. Later, during the epoch of Temurids, it is possible to observe active interaction of Iranian and Turkic carpet-making traditions. However, starting from the XVI century carpet items produced by Uzbeks from Dashti-qipchaq became widespread in Mawarannahr. Carpet items of Uzbekistan, in terms of execution technique, can be divided into long-piled, short-piled and pileless types. Women carpet-makers made various types of carpets. Among them it is possible to mention the following: piled carpets, which were laid under one's feet; panels called "bugdjoma", used for covering beds while moving from one house to another; carpet tapes called "kur" and "baskur", used for fixing framework of a jurt; pileless woolen rugs called "gadjari", "qokhma", "terme", "taqir gilam"; kit bags called "napramach"; saddlebags called "hurdjun", etc. Ornamental design of Uzbek carpet items reflected rich and diverse world of nomadic lifestyle. Their prevailing motifs were of cosmogonic and zoomorphic nature, and were expressed through orderly geometric lines and images. |
Social and cultural significance | Carpet-weaving in Uzbekistan is developing in three areas: artisanal home weaving, the manufacture of handmade carpets on the basis of state enterprises, the manufacture of carpets by private companies. Domestic carpet is developing in the Ferghana Valley, Nurata district, , Qashqadarya, Surkhandarya, Syrdarya regions, Karakalpakstan. The carpet production and marketing centers are also Samarkand, Urgut, Kokand, Khorezm. Craftsmen make long-breasted and short-breasted carpets (julhirs, gilams), lint-free carpets (palases). A lot of scientific and practical work on the restoration of ancient drawings and technologies is carried out by associations and organizations of folk crafts. In modern conditions, the Khiva factory expands its capabilities - here they began to produce portrait carpets, the tradition of making which was known in the East back in the early Middle Ages. Private companies also contribute to the revival of carpet weaving in Uzbekistan. Carpet workshops open mainly in rural areas, closer to the main source of raw material. Thanks to their activities in the village, more and more women master the skills of fabric, get acquainted with traditional drawings. Old classical carpets are used as samples of drawings. The State attaches great importance to the prospects of carpet weaving at all levels - the removal of taxation on artisan, including carpet products, the creation of a system of training in carpet weaving in the structure of educational institutions of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan, various exhibitions, etc. |
Transmission method | Carpet weaving is transmitted through traditional non-formal learning method Usto-Shogird (“Master-Apprentice”) |
Community | Branches of the Republican "Khunarmand" Association in Khorezm, Samarkand, Urgut, Nurota, Margilan, Ferghana Valley, Surkhandarya, and Kashkadarya regions |
Information source
Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity
http://www.folklore.uzMaterials related to
Carpet weaving
One of the most labor-intensive artistic crafts in Uzbekistan is carpet-making, the traditions of which go back to the ancient times.Cattleman has been rich for wool products and they mostly used wool of sheep and camel since olden time. Handmade carpet making is laborious work and it demands from the weaver great effort, taste and skill. In pre-Mongolian period carpet items produced by Turkic tribes of Oghuz origin were especially popular. Later, during the epoch ofTemurids, it is possible to observe active interaction of Iranian and Turkic carpet-making traditions.However, starting from the XVI century carpet items produced by Uzbek tribes from Dashtiqip- choq became widespread in Mawarannahr.
Uzbekistan -
Carpet weaving
One of the most labor-intensive artistic crafts in Uzbekistan is carpet-making, the traditions of which go back to the ancient times.Cattleman has been rich for wool products and they mostly used wool of sheep and camel since olden time. Handmade carpet making is laborious work and it demands from the weaver great effort, taste and skill. In pre-Mongolian period carpet items produced by Turkic tribes of Oghuz origin were especially popular. Later, during the epoch ofTemurids, it is possible to observe active interaction of Iranian and Turkic carpet-making traditions.However, starting from the XVI century carpet items produced by Uzbek tribes from Dashtiqip- choq became widespread in Mawarannahr.
Uzbekistan -
Carpet weaving
One of the most labor-intensive artistic crafts in Uzbekistan is carpet-making, the traditions of which go back to the ancient times.Cattleman has been rich for wool products and they mostly used wool of sheep and camel since olden time. Handmade carpet making is laborious work and it demands from the weaver great effort, taste and skill. In pre-Mongolian period carpet items produced by Turkic tribes of Oghuz origin were especially popular. Later, during the epoch ofTemurids, it is possible to observe active interaction of Iranian and Turkic carpet-making traditions.However, starting from the XVI century carpet items produced by Uzbek tribes from Dashtiqip- choq became widespread in Mawarannahr.
Uzbekistan -
Carpet weaving
One of the most labor-intensive artistic crafts in Uzbekistan is carpet-making, the traditions of which go back to the ancient times.Cattleman has been rich for wool products and they mostly used wool of sheep and camel since olden time. Handmade carpet making is laborious work and it demands from the weaver great effort, taste and skill. In pre-Mongolian period carpet items produced by Turkic tribes of Oghuz origin were especially popular. Later, during the epoch ofTemurids, it is possible to observe active interaction of Iranian and Turkic carpet-making traditions.However, starting from the XVI century carpet items produced by Uzbek tribes from Dashtiqip- choq became widespread in Mawarannahr.