

Traditional craftsmanship of zodog and shuudag (wrestling costume)
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001224
    Country Mongolia
    ICH Domain Traditional craft skills
    throughout the Mongolia
    Year of Designation 1921
Description One of the uniqueness of Mongolian wrestling is wrestling costumes which consist of a hat, zodog (jacket), shuudag (briefs), boots, stockings and boots’ bindings. Zodog (jacket) and shuudag (brief) are a traditional costume of Mongolian wrestlers. The costimes made of silk, textiles and stitched with pliable and strong threads afford a wrestler the ability to hold his opponent during the wrestling bout. Zodog and shuudag adapt themselves to the shape of wrestler’s brawny body. This tight costume greatly affords a wrestler’s comfort to move as well. Only a few specialized masters craft the zodog and shuudag by their hands.
Social and cultural significance Wrestling is main element in Mongolian sports. Therefore, craftsmanship of wrestlers clothing - zodog and shuudag follows wrestling as it is part of most of traditional celebrations. Zodog and shuudag produced not only for grownup wrestlers, but also for chldren as competition costumes.
Transmission method by apprenticeship training
Community Private companies
Information source
National Center for Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture of Mongolia

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