

Art of miniature marks_1
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001099
    Country Iran,Turkey,Uzbekistan,Azerbaijan
    ICH Domain Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe Traditional craft skills
    Tashkent, Andijan, Samarkand, Khiva, Bukhara, Qoqand and other cities
    Year of Designation 2013
Description Miniature - in fine art, a small picture of careful and elegant decoration, with a thin overlay of colors. A special type of miniature is painting with varnish, oil or tempera on the surface of small varnish products. In the art of miniature, there are various schools and directions. In the ХV–ХVII centuries portrait genre and the description of historical events became consistent and basic theme in art schools of Central Asia. Coming exactly to this century, such creative schools as “Samarkand school of miniature”, “Gerat School of miniature”, “Baburids’ school of miniature” has been formed.
Social and cultural significance The art of miniature is regarded as an integral part of the social and cultural identity of the societies of the submitting states. The element has a function of strengthening the cultural bonds between the past and present. Every work of miniature contributes to the viability of the historical and cultural heritage and has a role of historical document with its rich visual content which manifests traditional architecture, rituals, cultural events and many other representations of daily life.
Transmission method In all submitting states, the element, its ethical manners, knowledge and techniques developed collectively throughout centuries have been conveyed to the present are mostly transmitted through non-formal training (master-apprentice relationship). The transmission process includes learning of the basics of miniature painting, observation and memorization of techniques and methods, as well as practical experimentation and imitation under the master’s supervision. During the transmission process, although traditional principles of such painting are preserved, artists may highly promote individual creativity in miniature painting, as the paintings have to provide strong thematic content, apart from its traditional esthetical values. Masters encourage apprentices to reflect their thoughts and ideas through symbolic icons in the miniature. In addition to the abovementioned methods, instructional books are provided for teaching miniature, either as self-learning or guided learning books which have received a great positive response. Apart from the books, training is done in social networks and websites. In addition, the element is also promoted through seminars, conferences, and workshops for the public audience in the universities, museums, galleries and municipalities and the like.
Community Uzbekistan Republican "Khunarmand" Association and its regional branches, educational institutions, art schools, culture centers
Type of UNESCO List Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
Incribed year in UNESCO List 2020
Information source
Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity

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