

Tekemet-kiyiz - tradition of making felt carpet
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00002042
    Country Kazakhstan
    ICH Domain Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe Traditional craft skills
    Tekemets were widespread. The process of felting is known among the Mongols, Kalmyks, Tuvanians, among nations of Caucasus and Central Asia.
    Year of Designation 2013
Description Tekemet is the Kazakh felt carpet with inserted color pattern on the top of each other before rolling. Different tribes in Kazakhstan each have their designs. Tekemets similar to syrmak (another type of felt carpet), but has a vague and soft forms in connection with the peculiarities of production technology. Tekemets decorated by double horns ("qos muyіz") - horn curls arranged in a cruciform shape, usually within a rhombus and oval. White or grey ornaments were selected, which bursted on the brown main background of felt. In West Kazakhstan can be found "eki tekemets" (“ekі tekemet"), which are decorated on both sides. Patterned felting is one of the oldest types of Kazakh ornamentation. It is handmade from one color of felt (light or dark), combined with the natural color of camel's wool. Masters of Central Kazakhstan felt ornaments in different colors.
Social and cultural significance Kazakhs weave wall and floor carpets. Carpets were not only for decorating purposes, but also protected the yurt from wind, dust, cold/heat and provided noise isolation. Tekemet is Kazakh felt carpet with colored ornamented, one of the main objects of decoration of Kazakh yurt. He was covered floor of the yurt, home. When Kazakhs gave their daughters in marriage tried to add tekemets as an obligatory attribute to the dowry of daughters.
Transmission method
Community Modern weavers include G. Kozhamzharova (Katon-Karaghay, the Eastern Kazakhstan), B. Symova, M. Akhmetova, K. Aydarbekova, G. Begaliyeva (Shymkent, the Southern Kazakhstan), and a cooperative in Shuldeh (the Southern Kazakhstan), S. Khozhantayeva, R. Alibatyrova, K. Yikhanova, К. Bedenkulova (Kyzylorda region) and A. Sagynayeva (the Western Kazakhstan).
Information source
Kazakhstan National Committee for Intangible Cultural Heritage

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