

Traditional craftsmanship of Mongol ger marks_1
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001029
    Country Mongolia
    ICH Domain Traditional craft skills
    Ovorkhangai province and in Ulaanbaatar city in Mongolia
    Year of Designation 1900
Description Craftsmanship of the Mongol Ger is a traditional enterprise involving the labour of a household or group, with men carving the wood and both women and men engaged in painting, sewing and stitching, and felt-making. Wooden frames comprise the crown, roof poles, wall lattices, door, two pillars and furniture produced by separate carpenters specialized for each. Traditional craftsmanship of Mongol ger is indeed reflects the nomadic culture, national identity which stands for the name card of Mongols to the world. Traditional craftsmanship is taught to the younger generations, principally through mentoring by a senior craftsperson. Dismantling and reassembling the Ger are always family operations, with children learning by watching their elders. Cutting and preparing sheep’s wool, making felt, stitching canvas and preparing woodwork are usually communal endeavours. As a traditional dwelling, the Mongol Ger plays an important social and cultural role for nomadic families and its makers are highly respected.
Social and cultural significance Mongolian herders commonly use gers and about 65 percent of those living in urban areas live in gers. Traditional craftsmanship of the ger helps to create a living source for relevant artists, communities, and families, and therefore, it becomes the condition for the community to transmit the heritage. It can be assumed that the meanings and contents of the inheritance are not disturbed. As the Mongolian ger is created, developed and inherited through the craftsmanship of these artisans, it is considered as an integral part of the inherited values and heritage of ancient times. The craftsmanship of the ger creates a creative productive chain of people who are proud of their creative minds and it engages them in the enjoyment of the work they do and motivates them to continually seek for ideas for future creations. Traditional craftsmanship of the ger is important for the community and the group to realize their unique identity, the existence of it, the awareness of the importance of preparing and to promote the diversity of cultures and human mind's creativity.
Transmission method by participation in the making process of ger, and apprenticeship training
Community National Center for Mongolian Ger Development, "Association of the Mongolian Ger Manufacturers" NGO
Type of UNESCO List Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
Incribed year in UNESCO List 2013
Information source
National Center for Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture of Mongolia

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