

Lapar (Ditty)
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001064
    Country Uzbekistan
    ICH Domain Performing Arts
    Tashkent, Jizzakh, Khorezm, Fergana Valley and other regions
Description Lapar is a song about eternal and female. This is a song about waiting for love, about the feeling that came, about the love of the deceived, about the upheavals of female fate and such desired happiness. Lapar is sad and fun, he happens to be built as a song-thought, or maybe sound like ardent plot pieces. Of particular interest is the lapar, which is performed in a roll call dialogue between a man and a woman. Then lapar turns into an amazing musical performance, into an ardent and crafty game.
Social and cultural significance For how many centuries the Uzbek people lovingly keep their song traditions, without changing them, without buying into new-fashioned trends. It is especially expensive that these songs today are not dusted in collections of archival music, but sound daily, at weddings and holidays, gatherings and meetings of friends, on radio and television. The performance of special songs, whose name Lapar is one of the unique Uzbek wedding traditions, still lives to this day. This type of art is distributed mainly in the Ferghana Valley, Samarkand, Jizzak and Tashkent regions. Currently, appropriate actions have been taken towards the preservation and development of this genre. Few decisions adopted recently in the field of folk art. In the centers of culture there are song circles, in music schools knowledge is also given on this element, some work is also carried out to popularize the genre, various festivals and competitions are held, including at the state level, with the involvement of the media. Its importance is clear.
Transmission method Today, this element is transmitted via formal, nonformal and informal learning programs. Non-formal transmission based on “master-apprentice” (ustoz-shogird) tradition. Informal learning process taking place during community and family level socio-cultural events (folk holidays, weddings, etc.). Lapars are in educational programs of musical schools, colleges and other institutions.
Community Folklore ensembles in centers of culture, mahalla, theaters,TV and radio
Information source
Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity

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