

Traditions connecting with Mahalla in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage marks_1
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00002567
    Country Uzbekistan
    ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events
    All over the country
Description MAHALLA is an administrative territorial unit in Uzbekistan. The way of self-management is characteristic of the traditions and values of our people. The term "Mahalla" is Arabic and means "place". A neighborhood is a small administrative area, but it is also a community of people connected by a common lifestyle, values, traditions, and customs. The main tasks of the neighborhood were to hold ceremonies together, to maintain and beautify its territory, to educate the young generation in a social spirit, to ensure order in the life of the community, to control the implementation of all traditional norms, and to observe customs. The neighborhood elder organized other public works related to neighborhood improvement. All these works were done together by hashar.
Social and cultural significance After Uzbekistan gained independence, the attitude towards mahallas (neighborhoods) changed radically. Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other documents according to the law "On Self-Governing Bodies of Citizens" adopted in Neighborhoods are an important local support of the state, as a legal entity they have their own property, financial budget, bank account number - savings. According to this law, each neighborhood can organize production in its territory, open small enterprises, sell the products it produces, distribute a part of it for free to the needy in the neighborhood, provide employment to the population in its territory, and provide cultural and household services to the population.
Transmission method Mahalla is the closest social structure to our nation in terms of strengthening the atmosphere of peace, mutual respect, kindness and harmony in the society, preserving national traditions and values, ensuring family cohesion, raising a healthy and mature generation, and solving the daily problems of the population.
Community Families, mahalla, educational institutions, everywhere in Uzbekistan
Information source
Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity

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