

Historical Recordings from the 1930s by Arnold Bake vol. II_everyday songs

CD2_HISTORICAL RECORDINGS FROM THE 1930S OF ARNOLD BAKE VOL. II: EVERYDAY SONGS The recordings by Dutch ethnomusicologist Arnold Adrian Bake in India in the 1930s and later are one of the earliest examples of what may be called “ethnographic” recordings. Arnold Bake and his wife Corrie spent a long time in Bengal but travelled all over India, recording the music, sounds, and other forms of intangible culture of the people. These recordings cover an immense range of music and recitations that are part of people’s everyday lives, such as work songs, devotional pieces, and ritualistic performances, and include a high number of women’s songs and cultural expressions. Bake’s first field trip was in 1925 and his last was in 1955. During that time, he travelled not only to India but also to Nepal and Sri Lanka. Collections of Bake’s recordings are held in archives in the United Kingdom, Germany, and the United States. Recordings from 1925 to 1929 were on cylinders, and those from 1938 to 1939 were recorded on a machine called Tefifon. The collection that has been digitized for this project consists of the recordings made in 1938 and 1939. The Tefi recordings were transferred to spools and deposited in ARCE in 1982. During those two years, Bake travelled from Sindh, the Gujarat coast, to Kerala, and thus the recordings are from Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Kerala. There are also recordings made in the Maldives and Sri Lanka. Thus, the selections presented on these albums are largely from the Southwest Coast of India. These recordings were chosen because they carry great historical value yet were not easily accessible until now. NB: The titles given by Arnold Bake have been retained. However, in the notes, places and names have been changed to reflect current designations – e.g. Canarese was changed to Kannada. Place names have also been modified to follow current spelling conventions. Everyday Songs - The everyday lives of people are what make up the core of intangible cultural heritage (ICH). This selection includes rituals, work songs, devotional and religious songs, as well as common songs that express joys and sorrows. In addition to songs, some tracks include cries and noises, reflecting the wide variety of sounds that Bake recorded.

Washerwomans song

Country : India


Koti Chennaya paddana

Country : India


Bimbisale – Harvest song

Country : India


Grinding song

Country : India


Puliyan transplanting song

Country : India


O Bele

Country : India


Transplanting song

Country : India


Roof beating song (chorus)

Country : India


Mohammadan coolie cries

Country : India


Prayer to Yellama

Country : India


Villu Pattu – Birth of Shasta

Country : India


Puliyan boat- racing song

Country : India


Kanarese Wedding song

Country : India


Wedding song

Country : India


Welcome song – Raghuvansa Sutha

Country : India


Pregnancy song

Country : India


Kanarese song

Country : India


Snake charmer’s tune

Country : India


Information source
Sangeet Natak Akademi

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