

Description “O Bele” is a work song, of the Kabita genre in the Tulu speaking areas of Karnataka. The singing of “O Bele” is led by one woman, who sings each line of the song and is accompanied by the rest of the chorus. This process continues with different lines, depending on the amount of work to be done in the paddy fields. Kabitas vary thematically, but most are not complete narratives; rather, they are built around small incidents and are loosely structured. “O Bele” tells the story of a landlord who sends his worker to procure labor. He exchanges women for liquor and finds his wife expecting twins, who were suspected to be fathered by the landlord.
Manage No AI00000047
Country India
Audio Performer Year 1938
Place Mangalore File Size 2.72
Definition File Format MP3
Copyright -

Information source
Sangeet Natak Akademi

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