

Indonesian Batik
  • Manage No PI00005934
    Country Indonesia
    Year 2010
    ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events, Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe, Traditional craft skills
Description Indonesian batik is a traditional handcrafted textile rich in intangible cultural values, passed down for generations in Java and elsewhere since the early 19th century, and even more widely since the mid-1980s. The earliest reference to batik is found in the text of Siksa Kanda, 1517AD. Batik is made by applying dots and lines of hot wax to cloth using a copper pen-like instrument (canthing tulis), or copper stamps (canthing cap), to resist hand-dyeing. The wax is later removed by boiling and/or scraping, repeating the process for each colour. The entire process is carried out by hand, mostly as a cottage industry. Batik patterns and motifs possess deep symbolism related to social status, local community, nature, history and cultural heritage. Batik culture clearly promotes cultural diversity, culture-based industry and human creativity, keeping in mind symbolic and cultural values.
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