

Aitys - art of music, and poetic contest improvisation between akyns (singers)
  • Manage No PI00001901
    Country Kazakhstan
    Year 2011-12-04
    ICH Domain Oral traditions and representations, Performing Arts, Social practices, rituals, festive events, Traditional craft skills
Description National contest (2011) on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Kazakhstan Independence. Aitys is a contest centred on improvised oral poetry spoken or sung to the accompaniment of traditional musical instruments – the Kazakh dombra. Two performers (akyns) compete with one other to improvise verses on topical themes in a battle of wits that alternates between humorous ripostes and penetrating philosophical reflections. During the competition, the performers sit opposite one another improvising a dialogue on topics chosen by the audience. The winner is the performer considered to have demonstrated the best musical skills, rhythm, originality, resourcefulness, wisdom and wit. The most meaningful and witty expressions often become popular sayings. The element is practised on a variety of occasions, ranging from local festivities to nationwide events, where practitioners often use the contest to raise important social issues. Although it was traditionally performed only by men, many women now participate in Aitys and use the contest to express women’s aspirations and viewpoints.
Photographer Karimkhan Zanggar (Mr)
Place Almaty, Kazakhstan File Size 10.3 MB
Definition 4608 x 3072 File Format jpg
Copyright Karimkhan Zanggar; Ministry of Culture and Sports of Kazakhstan Copyright
Information source
Kazakhstan National Committee for Intangible Cultural Heritage

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