

Terisakkan Spring Festival of Horse Breeders: Inventory (Qubi smoking rite)
  • Manage No PI00006625
    Country Kazakhstan
    Year 2016-05-02
    ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events, Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe
Description Qubi smoking rite. A man kindles fresh tobylghy (a kind of juniper) in samovar. A woman treats a qubi (a wooden barrel for preparing kymyz (koumiss), greased inside with fresh May butter prior to smoking.
Photographer Alexey Kamenskiy (Mr)
Place Terisakkan, Ulytau District, Karaganda Province File Size 1.67 MB
Definition 3772 x 2304 File Format jpg
Copyright Alexey Kamenskiy; Kazakhstan ICH Committee Copyright
Information source
Kazakhstan National Committee for Intangible Cultural Heritage

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