

Moryonan: A Lenten Tradition in Marinduque Island
Description "The culmination of the moryonan rtiual is the habulan and pugutan, reenactments of the chase, capture and the beheading of the moryon Longinus. Soldiers chase after and attempts to capture Longinus. He would be captured and escape two times. He will be beheaded by noon. The Tagalog people of Marinduque Island, Philippines, practices the moryonan or pagmomoryon, a penitential ritual during Holy Week. The practice is distinctive for the wearing of heavy masks. The town of Mogpog is said to be the origin of the practice and it is where one finds its most traditional form. "
Photographer Roel Hoang Manipon
Place File Size 8.26MB
Definition 5465x3683 File Format JPG
Copyright ICHCAP, National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) of the Philippines -

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