

The Impact of Tais in Timor-Leste: Culture with Unlimited Space
  • Manage No DI00001304
    Country Timor-Leste
    Author Abraão Ribeiro Mendonça (Culture Preservation Officer, USAID’s Tourism For All Project)
    Published Year 2022
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
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Description Ceremonial cloths known as Tais have been woven in Timor-Leste for generations. From the time of the Timorese ancestors, women have learned how to make Tais for use in traditional ceremonies, such as weddings. It is seen as important for women to transmit this knowledge for the future generations, and thus the technique has been passed down from mother to daughter for centuries. The weaving tradition is considered a key social function as it strengthens familial bonds. For Timorese, Tais is strongly connected with local tradition and its weaving is seen as not only a local practice but part of the national identity. The designs and techniques record a woven narration of the culture, lore, paradigms, and stories of Timor-Leste’s history.

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