

Intangible Cultural Heritage of Timor-Leste, Uma Lulik and Tais
Description 15 December 2021: Sixteenth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage approved the inscription of Tais on the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding. As the first inscription of Timor-Leste’s ICH element to the list, ICHCAP has been requested by the UNESCO Jakarta Office for cooperation projects on the transmission and promotion of Timor-Leste’s ICH and plans to cooperate with local NGOs and plan possible projects. Safeguarding and promoting these rich cultures need research, publication and production. Moreover, as general masses could be reached through audio-visual production to promote and safeguard these cultures, academically arranged narratives processed into visual presentations such as documentary productions are crucial and timely. This informational and promotional material development project adds continued value to the Timor-Leste National Commission for UNESCO’s work with the National ICH committee that undertakes to nominate the element (Tais) to the Urgent Safeguarding List with the international assistant. Timor-Leste National Commission for UNESCO agrees to employ Merkurius Yung with the position of Director of CEVNAG Production Film in accordance with the terms set out in the Term of Reference (ToR). In this position, the Director of CEVNAG Production Film, as well as a consultant, reported to Timor-Leste National Commission for UNESCO on 2 (two) items such as video production for Tais and Uma Lulik, and 14 (fourteen) elements of the Inventory Booklet project. The process sites cover the municipalities such as Baucau, Bobonaro, Covalima, Ermera, Lautem and Oecusse. (ICHCAP has the original file)
Manage No VI00000829 Running Time 25:12
Country Timor-Leste
ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events, Traditional craft skills
Videos Photographer Merkurius Yung Year 2022-03-22
Place Baucau, Bobonaro, Covalima, Ermera, Lautem and Oecusse File Size 2.7GB
Definition N/A File Format MP4
Copyright Timor-Leste National Commission for UNESCO, ICHCAP Copyright

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