

Meke Ni Veimei II (Nursery rhymes II)

In the iTaukei Fijian culture, raising children is everyone’s responsibility. It is therefore everyone’s business to learn, memorize, and recite the chant correctly. Each chant, or make, is unique to the families, clans, and communities. Chants for children often take the form of poems that proclaim the identity of the clan and their origins. For example, a chant composed for children who are from inland of the two main islands in Fiji would be different from those created for children from maritime and coastal tribes. Children’s chants are composed to suit different stages of childhood development and their activities. Vakamoce gone, or bedtime chants, are sung to put children to sleep and would therefore be recited with a soft, soothing monotone. This is an early introduction of language to the subconscious being of a child. Meanwhile, Vakawele gone are chants sung to draw full attention of a child when they are awake, and, therefore, are performed at fast tempo with a playful tone. Vakaqito gone are chants sung to engage a child in a game. They are participatory in nature and contribute to development of a child’s sensory movements and social skills.

Ta ta viqasa viqasa(Cutting, Chipping Away)

Country : Fiji


Asita! Asita bati yaya(Saw, Saw, Razor-edged Saw)

Country : Fiji


Tauri rau tu! Tauri rau tu!(Hold on to Them! Hold on to Them!)

Country : Fiji


O Buretu e riorio na kai Macoi na kena qio(Buretu on the Horizon, the Macoi and Their Sharks)

Country : Fiji


Bibi na senico(Heavy is the Blade of Grass)

Country : Fiji


O cei e tutu e vanua?(Who Dwells on the Land?)

Country : Fiji


Wadru wadru suluka(Tugging Dried Banana Leaves)

Country : Fiji


Sili sili ra ga sili udeude tiko ra ga(Diving Diving Goes the Duck)

Country : Fiji


O sosovu o ra nitu(Dozing Dozing Little Imp)

Country : Fiji


O O pua lai ivei o tinamu?(Ah, Ah, Pua, Where Has Your Mother Gone?)

Country : Fiji


A wi cava a wi dreu(Which Wi [Ambarella]? The ripe one!)

Country : Fiji


Tukituki seni mulomulo(Pounding on the Mulomulo Flower)

Country : Fiji


Information source
iTaukei Institute of Language & Culture (TILC)

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