

Agariin Gurvan Suljee
Description Mongolian folk songs are divided in three different categories, such as long songs, short songs and the authors’ songs. Folk songs are shorter than other forms of expressions with average durations of one to five minutes, but there is a high volume of them. Thus, restoring, categorising, and digitising folk songs were the most time-consuming tasks compared to others. Within the framework of the project, just under forty-eight hours of songs were restored and digitised.
Manage No AI00000295
Country Mongolia
Audio Performer S. Darisuren (35-year-old female, Khotgoid ethnicity) from Tsagaan-Ovoo, Khuvsgul Year 1905
Place File Size 0.6
Definition File Format MP3
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Information source
National Center for Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture of Mongolia

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