

Kim tiền bản (Instrumental ensemble)
Description This is one of the ten pieces of Thập Thủ Liên Hườn. According to Đờn ca tài tử researcher Nguyễn Tấn, these ten pieces came from the reign of King Quang Trung (the end of eighteenth century) when a diplomatic delegation to the capital of the Thanh dynasty (China) attended the longevity ceremony of Càn Long King. They explored many beautiful places in China and composed ten poems to praise the Chinese scenery after returning to Vietnam. King Quang Trung appointed musical mandarins to set these poems to music for his musical enjoyment. Later, the Đờn ca tài tử circle performed these musical pieces and called them Thập Thủ Liên Hườn. Kim tiền bản musical piece has twenty-six phrases of two bars each. It was played when the diplomatic delegation attended the king’s audience and was rewarded golden coins by the king.
Manage No AI00000308
Country Vietnam
Audio Performer Tư Huyện (the violin), Anh Duy (the kìm lute) Year 1977
Place File Size 4.14
Definition File Format MP3
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Information source
Vietnam National Institute Culture and Arts Studies (VICAS)

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