

Tỳ bà hành
Description Tỳ bà hành is one of the masterpieces of Ca trù art. Its lyrics are translated by Phan Huy Vịnh from a poem of Bạch Cư Dị, a famous Chinese poet in the Tang dynasty. The Tỳ bà hành song includes five cung (musical modes), consisting of Nam, Bắc, Huỳnh, Pha, and Nao. It was subtly slow and fast now and then, creating emotion, moving people’s hearts. The Tỳ bà hành song is long and it takes at least thirty minutes to sing the whole song, so the singer rarely sings from the beginning to the end. The Tỳ bà hành song in this CD was sung from the second half of the poem.
Manage No AI00000328
Country Vietnam
Audio Performer People’s artist Quách Thị Hồ Year 1970
Place File Size 9.77
Definition File Format MP3
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Information source
Vietnam National Institute Culture and Arts Studies (VICAS)

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