

  • Manage No PI00002339
    Country Mongolia
    ICH Domain Oral traditions and representations
Description Benediction is a powerful expression of the miraculous capacity of words. It is one of the genres of Mongolian oral poetry that uses melodies. Benedictions propitiate people’s future happiness and well-being through skillfully composed and recited poems. It is unique in a way that minstrels sing the benediction completely from memory, and also by adding their own versions of words or improvising totally new verses to fit particular situations or events. By the invitation of people, a person who knows the order of feast and ceremonies well and mastered in the benediction and its melody says the benediction with use of the holly silk scarf, milk in the silver bowl, and Airag in bowl. The benediction is oral poetry which contains a beginning, main part and ending part.
Place throughout the Mongolia File Size 122880 KB
Definition 22800 x 15200 File Format JPG
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Information source
National Center for Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture of Mongolia

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