

Kolok-pa (An Indigenous Game)
  • Manage No PI00007055
    Country Bhutan
    Year ‎Monday, ‎June ‎29, ‎2015
    ICH Domain Performing Arts
Description Kolok-pa is the game played in the Thongsa locality. The name of the game is directly derived from the name given to the element. Such game can play in any number of people more than two; it can be played in even numbers only like, two, four, six, eight and ten. According to the local elders the exact date of which the game is been played is not known. However, the game is usually played in the winter seasons, as it is the end of fruitful tiring journey of the year to the villagers as mostly the field are left uncultivated and people do not have works to carry on in the field. The people usually played for fun and for enjoyment by keeping simple bet. Kolok-pa game does not differentiate the gender and age of the player, such game can be played by mixing gender, nevertheless the players opt to play gender wise only, in order to have balance and competitive competition. According to 65 years old Meme Ugyen Guru, the game in the past can be played by burning bamboos and pinewoods for lighting the ground in the evenings. Mostly the betting they used to keep are for Bangchang, Ara (Local wine), pork and eating and drinking. The winner of the match is declare based on mutual understanding made within the players, either to pay bet after every game or out of three sets.
Photographer Yeshi Lhendup
Place Thongsa village, Chongshing gewog (block), Pemagatshel. File Size 2.32 MB
Definition 300dpi File Format JPEG
Copyright NLAB Copyright
Information source
National Library and Archives of Bhutan

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