

Traditional art of wood engraving
  • Manage No PI00005998
    Country Mongolia
    ICH Domain Traditional craft skills
Description Wood engraving has two main types: half engraving and whole engraving. There is a template of engraving that is called tsoi in Mongolia. Whole engraving is used for making a variety of items, such as the horse currycomb, chest, tiger-legged table, bed, and a cast of traditional cookie, as well as an arrow, pieces of a chess game, toys, and religious items and idols. Animals such as lion, tiger, dragon, and elephant, all of which symbolize strength and power, are engraved on the wooden doors of gers, while religious symbols and ornaments are engraved on the doors of temples and monasteries. Carving a pair of intertwined dragons on top of poles in gers and temples is common.
Place In settled areas and the capital city File Size 1.17MB
Definition 960 X 960 File Format PNG
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