

Thai Fruit Carving
  • Manage No PI00005281
    Country Thailand
    ICH Domain Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe, Traditional craft skills
Description Fruit carving is one of Thailand’s traditional craft techniques. It originally began in the Sukhothai Kingdom but saw renewed interest through efforts made during the Rattanakosin Kingdom to rebuild and revive Ayutthaya culture, which further advanced carving techniques in the royal palace in Bangkok. However, this art was not limited to the upper class, but instead became shared as a way to decorate food in the everyday lives of ordinary people. Today, Thai fruit carving is being systematically developed and transmitted through its inclusion in the curriculum of accredited national educational institutes.
Photographer Touchchapol Sangaareekul
Place File Size 277KB
Definition 1367 x 1198 File Format JPG
Copyright ICHCAP, Thammasat University Copyright

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