

Description Uzbek puppetry is considered to be a traditional art genre, which evolved in the form of an ancient traditional theatre of people.A puppet show, which combined traditional as well as contemporary ideas, was staged together with folk pantomime dances, such as “Otoyin” (“The game on wooden horse”), “Sherboz” (“The tamer of tiger”), under accompaniment of music (surnay, karnay and naghora or surnay and doira).As a distinct direction of traditional folk performance art Uzbek puppet performance has its own traditions.Notably, puppetry in Surkhandarya was called as “Suvkhotun”, in Khoresm – “Ashshadaroz”, “Maskharaboz” or Polvon”. Folk puppeteers use “qolqoghirchoq” (puppet played with hands or gloves), “ipqoghirchoq” (puppet-marionette), “maydaqoghirchoq) (small puppet) or “kata qoghirchoq” (big puppet).
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Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity

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