

Eid ul Adha (Qurban Eid)
  • Manage No PI00002982
    Country Uzbekistan
    ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events
Description Qurban Eid, which began on the tenth day of the month of Zulhijjah, is celebrated for three days, and it is called so because on this day an animal is sacrificed. Although the Hajj prayer was enjoined in the ninth year of the Hegira, Qurbon Eid and bringing a sacrifice were prescribed for the second year of the Hegira as it was prescribed for fasting and Ramadan. On the day of Ramadan, the believers celebrate the blessed month of worship and hope for the mercy of Allah.Muslims visit each other on this day, congratulate with Eid, eat and drink, and enjoy the sacrament.
Place File Size 1037 KB
Definition 1920 x 1080 File Format JPG
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Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity

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