

Wedding ceremony
  • Manage No PI00006417
    Country Uzbekistan
    ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events
Description “Nikoh”, being Arabic word, means official solemnization ofnmarriage, matrimony, based on Shariah. Festivity on the occasion of wedding bears different names in different places of Uzbekistan, i.e. “nikoh toyi”, “ijob toyi”, “uy tushirar toyi”, “kata yaloq qizartirar toyi”, etc. Wedding comprises of several ceremonies and rituals, such as “uy korar” (or “qiz korar”), “sovchilik”, “sep takhlar”, “toqqiz berish” (or “toqqiz tavoq”), “qiz oshi” (or “qizlar majlisi”), “kelin tushirish”, “baqon tutish”, “yuz ochdi”, “kelin salom”, “chorlari” and the customs associated with them. They have been preserved till nowadays and the tradition is still followed.
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