

Intangible Aspects on Vernacular Architecture Between Joglo Pencu Kudus (Java Traditional House) and Hanok (Korean Traditional House): Comparative Study about Philosophies and Local Insights of Traditional Houses
  • Manage No DI00001291
    Country Indonesia
    Author Afif Muhammad
    Published Year 2019
    Language English
    Copyright Copyright
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Description This research discussed the intangible aspect such as philosophy and local insight that lies in the traditional house of Joglo Pencu Kudus from Indonesia and Hanok from Korea. Based on the result of research found that both traditional houses have the philosophy to respect nature and can adapt to the environment around them. Hanok can adapt to two extreme seasons (harsh winter and humid-hot summer) while Joglo Pencu Kudus can adapt to two seasons (rainy and dry). Moreover, the materials used in both traditional houses are natural and originate from the environment. Some constructions support sustainable development and it can be developed or combined further with the recent necessity. Some of its constructions can deal with the earthquake and heavy storm. Even some local insights can be applied directly such as natural waterproof from Hanok and natural substance for the preservation of wooden houses from Joglo Pencu Kudus.

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