

la gwin: (cymbal)
Description The cymbal (la gwin:) is a circular, slightly concave bress instrument usually used in pairs which are struck together to produce a crashing, ringing sound. The larger cymbals accompany the big drum (pa' ma), the middling size is played with the horizontal drum (sa khun) and the smaller size in pot- drum or dobat troupes. The cymbals are played in grand drum ensembles, anyein ensembles, instrumental ensembles and to provide music for nat festivals.During the Bagan period, the cymbal was called khwe' khwin: according to various lithic inscriptions. The two cymbals are clashed against each other to produce the full sound, or its edges are hit against each other to produce a soft sound. When the sound of clashing cymbals are not interfered with the sound produced is called open. When the sound is dampened, it is "closed". The muffling is done by putting the cymbals to the chest and thereby killing the sound.
Manage No VI00000738 Running Time 0:38
Country Myanmar
ICH Domain Performing Arts, Traditional craft skills
Videos Photographer Year
Place File Size 47.8MB
Definition 1920 X 1080 File Format mp4
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