

Fui (Flute)
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00002308
    Country Timor-Leste
    ICH Domain Performing Arts Social practices, rituals, festive events
Description The Fui is an ancestral musical instrument legacy made of bamboo, used and practiced by oxen and buffalo keepers to care for their oxen and buffalos.Caretaker of oxen and buffalo is a solitary job where playing the flute is the only way to get rid of loneliness. Keepers of buffalo and oxen play the flute to gather their livestock in one place before taking them back to the corral or water source. Oxen and buffalo know the flute sound of their keepers and follow it. The Fui is also played in traditional ceremonies; Funeral of “Liurais” high personality in society. Playing with the rhythm of melancholy and loneliness to comfort the deceased’s family and to give hope.

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