Manage No DI00001067 Country Kyrgyzstan Author Chynara Bosunbaeva, Programme Specialist , National Commission of the Kyrgyz Republic for UNESCO Published Year 2021 Language English Copyright Attach File Preview (ENG)
Description | Kyrgyzstan, a landlocked country the territory of which is more than 94 percent mountainous, is among the most attractive lands located at the heart of Asia on the ancient Silk Road trade routes. The cultural heritage of the Kyrgyz people has been greatly influenced by their nomadic history. Kyrgyz people occupy a unique cultural environment and have a rich ICH. The vitality of this cultural heritage is safeguarded and transmitted from generation to generation as collective memory, orally or through practice and expression. |
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Elements related to
Small epics
Kyrgyz epics are divided into two groups such as big and small epics. The epic trilogy of Manas. Semetei and Seitek belong to the big epic group. All the rest belong to small epics. There about 30 epics and epic poems in the second group. This group is very diverse in terms of topics, genres, plots and music. Depending on the core idea and plot, small epics can be subdivided into following subgroups: 1. Heroic epics describe the struggle of a hero against foreign and local enemies. They include but not limited to such epics as Kurmanbek, Jangyl Myrza, Janysh-Baiysh, Er Tabyldy, Seiitbek, Shyrdakbek, Er Soltonoi and others; 2. Mythological epic describe a hero’s struggle with mythical creatures and natural forces. E.g. Kojojash, Er Töshtük, Joodarbeshim and others; 3. Social and everyday-life-related epic describe complex social relations and people’s perceptions of just social structure. E.g. Kedeikan, Mendirman and others; 4. Lyrical and romantic epics describe (often tragic) love relations. For example, Oljobai and Kishimjan, Sarinji-Bököi, Kulmyrza and Aksatkyn, Ak Möör and others). Singers and storytellers called akyn accompany their recitations of small epics with a musical instrument.
Kyrgyzstan -
‘Nooruz’ celebration
Nooruz is the New Year by solar calendar in Central, South and SouthWest Asia countries. March 21 marks the start of the year in Kyrgyzstan. Nooruz meaning ‘new day’ when a variety of rituals, ceremonies and other cultural events take place. An important tradition practiced during this time is the gathering around ‘the Table’, decorated with objects that symbolize purity, brightness, livelihood and wealth, to enjoy a special meal with loved ones. New clothes are worn and visits given to relatives, particularly the elderly and neighbors. Gifts are exchanged, especially for children, featuring objects made by artisans. There are also street performances of music and dance, public rituals involving water and fire, traditional sports and the making of handicrafts. These practices support cultural diversity and tolerance and contribute to building community solidarity and peace.
Kyrgyzstan 2016
Materials related to
Handbook on ICH Safeguarding Systems in the Asia-Pacific Region - Abstracts from Thirty-Two Field Survey Reports on ICH Safeguarding Efforts-Kyrgyzstan
The main contents of this publication are reports from thirty-two nations collected by ICHCAP from 2009 to 2015 as part of its annual projects to collect information on intangible cultural heritage safeguarding in the Asia-Pacific region. We have also compiled information from other reports and conference materials collected by ICHCAP to present key data, such as national inventories and information on related organizations, in an easily accessible format.
ICHCAP 2016 -
Kyrgyzstan, officially called the Kyrgyz Republic, is a small mountainous country in Central Asia with a population of around six million people. The Kyrgyz Republic shares borders with Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and China. The Kyrgyz Republic gained its independence in 1991 after the downfall of the Soviet Union. About 80 percent of the populations are ethnic Kyrgyz. The other 20 percent consists of ethnic Russians, Uzbeks, Ukrainians, Tatars, Tajiks, Kazakhs, Dungans, Koreans, and other groups. The Kyrgyz people overwhelmingly consider themselves Muslim. The Kyrgyz Republic ratified the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2006 and became one of the first Central Asian State Parties to the Convention. Also, the Kyrgyz Republic will continue to be a member of the Intergovernmental Committee until 2016.
Sabira Soltongeldieva Culture Programme Specialist, National Commission of the Kyrgyz Republic for UNESCO , Sabira Soltongeldieva 2015