Description | 전통 명절 ‘나브루즈’(2016년 유네스코 인류무형문화유산 대표목록 등재) 나브루즈(Navruz)는 중동과 중앙아시아 지역 국가들이 가장 크게 축하하는 명절 중 하나다. 나브루즈는 2009년 7개국에 의해 인류무형문화유산으로 지정되어 대표목록에 등재된 바 있다. 나브루즈를 기념하는 나라들 중 일부가 추가로 협약당사자가 된 점을 고려해 2016년 12개국의 공동등재로 재지정되었다. 우즈베키스탄에서는 3월 21일이 나브루즈 국경일로 공표되었지만 마할라 자치주와 공화국에 속한 몇몇 지역에서는 한 달간 나브루즈를 축하한다. 영상에서는 타슈켄트의 마할라 지역의 한 곳과 페르가나 지역의 놀이공원, 문화예술연구원에서 이루어지는 나브루즈 축하행사를 보여준다. 궁중요리인 ‘나브루즈-수말락(Navruz-sumalak)’과 야채를 곁들인 파이 ‘코크 솜사(Kok somsa)’, 야채를 소로 넣은 ‘코크 추취바라(Kok chuchvara)’ 같은 봄철 요리를 해먹는 것이 전통이 되었다. 민속공연단, 꼭두각시 조종자, 줄타기 곡예사, ‘폴본(Polvon)’이라 불리는 씨름선수, 현대 가수들의 공연과 그 밖의 다양한 민속놀이 경연 등이 나브루즈 축하 기간에 진행된다. 나브루즈는 새해의 시작일 뿐만 아니라 사람들을 더 가까이 결속시키고 축제의 참여자들 사이에 사랑과 애정을 전파시키는 힘으로 작용하기도 한다. | ||
Manage No | VI00000100 | Running Time | 00:20:59 |
Country | Uzbekistan | ||
Videos Photographer | 이크볼존 멜리크지에프 | Year | 2017 |
Place | File Size | 1,963 | |
Definition | File Format | mp4 | |
Copyright | 유네스코아태무형유산센터, 유네스코우즈베키스탄위원회 | - |
Information source
Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity
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The Navruz nomination was included in the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2009 bynseven countries (Uzbekistan, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, India, Kyrgyzstan).Navruz is a new day, a majestic day in the lives of the people. It is the festivity, the first day of solar calendar. It is the most ancient holiday of the peoples living in Central Asia and the East. The day of Navruz festivity matches with that of spring equinox (21 or 22 March), i.e. when the sun enters the constellation of Aries. In addition, Navruzisconsideredto be thefestivity which celebrates the beginning of agricultural works. As a rule, during Navruz folk promenades were organized, delicious foods with use of fresh greens were prepared, sowing of some crops was initiated.
Uzbekistan -
The Navruz nomination was included in the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2009 bynseven countries (Uzbekistan, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, India, Kyrgyzstan).Navruz is a new day, a majestic day in the lives of the people. It is the festivity, the first day of solar calendar. It is the most ancient holiday of the peoples living in Central Asia and the East. The day of Navruz festivity matches with that of spring equinox (21 or 22 March), i.e. when the sun enters the constellation of Aries. In addition, Navruzisconsideredto be thefestivity which celebrates the beginning of agricultural works. As a rule, during Navruz folk promenades were organized, delicious foods with use of fresh greens were prepared, sowing of some crops was initiated.
Uzbekistan -
The Navruz nomination was included in the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2009 bynseven countries (Uzbekistan, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, India, Kyrgyzstan).Navruz is a new day, a majestic day in the lives of the people. It is the festivity, the first day of solar calendar. It is the most ancient holiday of the peoples living in Central Asia and the East. The day of Navruz festivity matches with that of spring equinox (21 or 22 March), i.e. when the sun enters the constellation of Aries. In addition, Navruzisconsideredto be thefestivity which celebrates the beginning of agricultural works. As a rule, during Navruz folk promenades were organized, delicious foods with use of fresh greens were prepared, sowing of some crops was initiated.
Uzbekistan -
The Navruz nomination was included in the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2009 bynseven countries (Uzbekistan, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, India, Kyrgyzstan).Navruz is a new day, a majestic day in the lives of the people. It is the festivity, the first day of solar calendar. It is the most ancient holiday of the peoples living in Central Asia and the East. The day of Navruz festivity matches with that of spring equinox (21 or 22 March), i.e. when the sun enters the constellation of Aries. In addition, Navruzisconsideredto be thefestivity which celebrates the beginning of agricultural works. As a rule, during Navruz folk promenades were organized, delicious foods with use of fresh greens were prepared, sowing of some crops was initiated.